Items: (25 entries) Items[0] Bounds: x1=286, y1=260, x2=356, y2=280 Type: 4 Info: OK Items[1] Bounds: x1=369, y1=260, x2=439, y2=280 Type: 4 Info: Cancel Items[2] Bounds: x1=8, y1=11, x2=110, y2=29 Type: 5 Info: Area Items[3] Bounds: x1=8, y1=28, x2=126, y2=46 Type: 5 Info: Mean Density Items[4] Bounds: x1=8, y1=47, x2=160, y2=63 Type: 5 Info: Standard Deviation Items[5] Bounds: x1=8, y1=64, x2=185, y2=83 Type: 5 Info: X-Y Center of Gravity Items[6] Bounds: x1=8, y1=82, x2=136, y2=98 Type: 5 Info: Modal Density Items[7] Bounds: x1=8, y1=99, x2=161, y2=117 Type: 5 Info: Perimeter Items[8] Bounds: x1=8, y1=114, x2=153, y2=136 Type: 5 Info: Ellipse Major Axis Items[9] Bounds: x1=8, y1=133, x2=145, y2=151 Type: 5 Info: Ellipse Minor Axis Items[10] Bounds: x1=8, y1=150, x2=110, y2=169 Type: 5 Info: Orientation Items[11] Bounds: x1=8, y1=169, x2=166, y2=185 Type: 5 Info: Integrated Density Items[12] Bounds: x1=202, y1=10, x2=348, y2=33 Type: 5 Info: Redirect Sampling Items[13] Bounds: x1=203, y1=157, x2=326, y2=176 Type: 8 Info: Min. Particle Size: Items[14] Bounds: x1=329, y1=157, x2=382, y2=174 Type: 16 Info: 1 Items[15] Bounds: x1=203, y1=180, x2=327, y2=200 Type: 8 Info: Max. Particle Size: Items[16] Bounds: x1=330, y1=181, x2=382, y2=201 Type: 16 Info: 999999 Items[17] Bounds: x1=202, y1=66, x2=432, y2=89 Type: 5 Info: Ignore Particles Touching Edge Items[18] Bounds: x1=202, y1=28, x2=436, y2=54 Type: 5 Info: Label Particles Items[19] Bounds: x1=60, y1=223, x2=288, y2=244 Type: 8 Info: Digits Right of Decimal Point(0-8): Items[20] Bounds: x1=292, y1=224, x2=314, y2=242 Type: 16 Info: 2 Items[21] Bounds: x1=202, y1=50, x2=333, y2=70 Type: 5 Info: Outline Particles Items[22] Bounds: x1=202, y1=86, x2=405, y2=108 Type: 5 Info: Include Interior Holes Items[23] Bounds: x1=202, y1=106, x2=362, y2=124 Type: 5 Info: Wand Auto-Measure Items[24] Bounds: x1=202, y1=125, x2=312, y2=144 Type: 5 Info: Adjust Areas